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Vancouver GIS Users Group

h t t p : / / w w w . v a n c o u v e r g i s . O R G

January 8, 2025

Time: 17:30

Topic: GeoAI

Eventbrite Link: Click Here

Zoom Link: Click Here

Speaker: Lowell Lam, City of Vancouver

Abstract: This presentation will be about the collaborative pilot project between Engineering and GIS & CADD Services, which involved training deep learning AI models to detect and assess crosswalk road markings. The pilot explored the capabilities, workflow, and potential of ESRI’s GeoAI tools for city operations, such as the yearly pavement marking assessments conducted by Engineering Services. As AI becomes more prevalent and advanced in the field of GIS, the power of machine learning can be highly beneficial across various departments and business cases. Therefore, it is important to explore the capabilities of AI and how it can be leveraged to our advantage.

Bio: Lowell Lam is a GIS Technician with the City of Vancouver's GIS & CADD Services team. She has a background in GIS and crime analysis and was the city's 2024 practicum student. She believes GIS is important because it has provided an enjoyable career to utilize both her creativity and technical skills to complete unique projects. She greatly admires the collaborative nature of GIS and how everyone - GIS specialists and GIS enthusiasts alike - continuously inspire one another. As technology and GIS continue to grow, there is no limit to what can be achieved, and this innovativeness is what makes the world of GIS so exciting.

February 5, 2025

March 12, 2025

April 9, 2025

May 14, 2025

Time: 17:30

Topic: Update on ICIS

Speaker: Steve Mark, ICIS